Hypothesis Test
Two Sample T-test/Two Sample Wilcoxon-Test/Chi-Squared Test/One Sample Proportions Test/N Sample Proportions Test/Correlation Test
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Two Sample T-test/Two Sample Wilcoxon-Test/Chi-Squared Test/One Sample Proportions Test/N Sample Proportions Test/Correlation Test
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First variable for the test
Second variable for the test
For the two-sample t-test, input X and Y should always be numerical variables. Drag and drop each of the variables you want to test under the X and Y. For the paired T-test, use Paired T-Test instead of Two Sample T-Test.
First variable for the test. Numerical variables only
Second variable for the test. Numerical variables only
First column of the contingency table
Second column of the contingency table
*Target Data
Data input
*Output Name
Name of the output
The factor variable for the proportion test
*X items
Items in variable X. Choose one for the proportions test.
A factor variable
Only one should be chosen. (more than two variables can be chosen but will have no effect on the test)
A factor variable that contains categories to be selected.
Only one should be chosen (more than two variables can be chosen but will have no effect on the test)
*X2 items
Items in variable X2. Choose one for the proportions test.
Target Data
Input Data
Output Name
Name of the output
The variables for the correlation test. Numeric type only.
R-Flow Task Example Video: N Samples Proportion Test
Packages Name: stats
method: t.test, wilcox.test, chisq.test, prop.test, cor.test