Similarity based ML

k-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines, One-Classification SVM, Logistic Regression

K-Nearest Neighbor

Input Data

*Target Data

Input data

*Model Name

Name of the model

Output Name

Name of the output after calculation(optional)

Merge Data

If not empty, the prediction data will be stored in the selected data frame(optional)


Input Variable


The target variable for classification or regression. If it is not a factor type, convert it to a factor.

Support Vector Machines

Input Data



*Target Data

Input data

*Model Name

Name of the model

Output Name

Name of the output after calculation(optional)

Merge Data

If not empty, the prediction data will be stored in the selected data frame(optional)


Input variable


Target data.

Factor type for classification and numeric type for regression.

For classification, select C-classification of nu-classification for the type under Arguments. For regression, select eps-regression or nu-regression.

One-Classification SVM

Input Data


Input variables

One-classification SVM is used for the novelty detection. It uses the method 'one-classification' in the svm function.

Logistic Regression

Input Data


Independent variables


Dependent categorical variable

Workflow Example

R-Flow Task Example Video: Support Vector Machines

R Packages

K-Nearest Neighbor

Packages name: kknn, Method: kknn

Support Vector Machines/One-Classification svm

Packages name: e1071, Method: svm

Last updated